Synopsis : A clone is never alone Season two of Orphan Black hits the ground running with Sarah (Tatiana Maslany, Picture Day, Parks and Recreation) in a desperate race to find her missing daughter Kira (Skyler Wexler, Carrie). Her scorched earth tactics spark a war with pro-clone, Rachel (Maslany), dividing and imperiling all the clones. As Sarah discovers more about her past, mysterious newcomers appear, but can they be trusted?

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050 a : Classification No. 
245 a : Title 
Orphan Black: Season 2 
520 a : Description 
Synopsis : A clone is never alone Season two of Orphan Black hits the ground running with Sarah (Tatiana Maslany, Picture Day, Parks and Recreation) in a desperate race to find her missing daughter Kira (Skyler Wexler, Carrie). Her scorched earth tactics spark a war with pro-clone, Rachel (Maslany), dividing and imperiling all the clones. As Sarah discovers more about her past, mysterious newcomers appear, but can they be trusted? 
650 a : Subject 

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