Testing Business Ideas: A Field Guide for Rapid Experimentation

A practical guide to effective business model testing 7 out of 10 new products fail to deliver on expectations. Testing Business Ideas aims to reverse that statistic. In the tradition of Alex Osterwalder's global bestseller Business Model Generation, this practical guide contains a library of hands-on techniques for rapidly testing new business ideas.

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PB002454 Testing Business Ideas: A Field Guide for Rapid Experimentation On shelf  Login 
PB002455 Testing Business Ideas: A Field Guide for Rapid Experimentation On shelf  Login 
PB002456 Testing Business Ideas: A Field Guide for Rapid Experimentation On shelf  Login 
PB002457 Testing Business Ideas: A Field Guide for Rapid Experimentation On shelf  Login 

MARC Information

020 a : ISBN 
050 b : Publish Year 
082 a : Classification number 
082 b : Item number 
100 a : Author 
245 a : Title 
Testing Business Ideas: A Field Guide for Rapid Experimentation 
520 a : Description 
A practical guide to effective business model testing 7 out of 10 new products fail to deliver on expectations. Testing Business Ideas aims to reverse that statistic. In the tradition of Alex Osterwalder's global bestseller Business Model Generation, this practical guide contains a library of hands-on techniques for rapidly testing new business ideas. 
700 a : a - Personal name 

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